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The hero represents extraordinary strength and endurance in order to fight for dignity and authority.  They will use all their energy to avoid failure and gain their self-esteem. 

They constantly build up their confidence and bravery and hate being defeated. The Hero represents changes, mastery, self-esteem, confidence, and flowers, in particular the Gardenia.


The Gardenia is the symbol of hope, beauty, and refinement. When they appear in dreams, these flowers have a special meaning,  they signify renewal and unbreakable connections.

They provide great power to efforts and create a trustful connection between others. 

Heroes consider dependability as a connection to the mind and heart of people. 

This is truly a very steadfast gift for life.

If you are asking for 'Who' in your reading, the zodiac sign of this card is Aries or the person with the quality of Aries.


An endless thread of confidence and optimism runs through Heroes.  You must have the advantage of hard work and taking care of your strength.  In life, there is nothing shameful about losing but there is shame in just giving up. If you want your hard work to pay off, never worry about the sweat and tears you had to spend.


Cycles are the keys to building up and strengthening your mind. Stay focused and never, ever lose your passion.


You should always be on the lookout for a trusting relationship. That said, finding someone special takes time and a lot of effort.  Heroes believe in the awakening of love and are constantly looking for something new.


Challenges in your life will build confidence to get the strength to look forward and never backward.  You must learn from your mistakes instead of turning your attention away from them.  Enjoy and learn to cope with diversity, change, and pressure. You must be sincere in looking for changes, different situations, and touch the heart of others.


The Botanical Sword Oracle connects you with awareness to transformation with deeper wisdom to help you tap into your intellect, sense of empathy, and intuition. 

Aerial View of Barren Land
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